Winners have been announced!


Follow us to keep up with contests and new seeds! We are aiming for a new contest every month!

New seeds all the time!

OK! To up the response a little and to get some orders shipping I will do a giveaway!

I am offering 3 prizes and something special at the bottom!

1st prize is a mix of all the seeds shipped to you free

2nd prize is a 2 kinds of seeds shipped to you for free

3rd is 1 kind of seed shipped to you for free

How to apply is easy. There is a thread in the forum Bitcointalk where you can enter or on this thread here. Write any kind of reply and get 1 entry, share and you get an extra entry, refer someone, 1 extra entry. How to refer, tell them to quote you or add your user name to the post to earn extra entries.

Draw date Aug 1st 2013!

All addresses are destroyed after shipping, no contact info is retained AT ALL EVER

Special! Contact us now about our free seed bombs! You never know what you will get in them (mostly veg, perennials and florals) all you pay for is shipping!
PPS: We almost have a working escrow system worked out with bitpay! SOON!


  1. Do you provide any info with the seeds you sell? Total noob with plants but would love to grow some prickly pears.

    • No not yet, but over the winter I will work on it! I try and only carry the hardiest, easiest to grow foods. Prickly pear has not been too difficult. The germination rate is low and sporadic, but once they pop, it’s easy peeze!

  2. And the winners are (as per

    1st prize -Sir Lagsalot
    3rd-Benon Samuel
    special – JonnySmither

    Winners will be contacted once it is light out again!

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